シンガーソングライター / 画家 / アーティスト
ギャラリーでは絵たちを飾り、ライブハウスではギター弾き語りで 表現活動を行なっている
長らく画家として生きていたけれど 色と音を融合させたいという思いに駆られ、
ロック / 昭和歌謡 / オカルト / レトロ / アングラ / 着物 / 怪談 / U.F.O. / 宇宙 / 愛と死
画家 川口起美雄に師事
テーマは 生きている絵 / 精神世界の具現化 / 少女 / 宇宙等
「同じ星からきた」(銀座 青木画廊 Luft)
「こんな愛でよければ」(銀座 青木画廊 Luft)
「Telepathy from TOKYO」中国国際展示空間(香港)
「Telepathy to You」(京橋 ギャラリーオルテール)
「期間限定の身体 time-limited body」(御成門 東邦アート)
「金星旅行 Venus Trip」(銀座 ギャラリー田中)
「並行世界同盟」(銀座 ギャラリー田中)
Rury Shibuya
Musician / Painter / Artist
I will share with you the flame that burns in my heart through pictures and sounds.
I have been expressing myself by exposing my paintings in galleries and by playing electric guitar live.
I have been a painter for a long time, but I was driven by the desire to fuse colors and sounds.
When I perform live, I exhibit my paintings along with my music.
Japanese Occult Grunge Rock / Retro / Underground
Themes include Ghost Stories, the Universe, Love and Death
I produce all the music myself.
Primarily uses oil paints, creates fantasy paintings using classical painting techniques
Themes include living paintings / embodiment of the spiritual world / girl / universe etc.
Engages in activities burning past works to make formless things eternally remembered in the depths of memory
Began solo exhibition activities at galleries in Tokyo since 2016
Has held solo exhibitions in Hong Kong as well
I would like for lots of those thoughts floating around the world from many people to fill up the space around us and make it just a bit more beautiful.
【The theme of my music and art】
◉What is the theme of your music and art? What do you sing and paint?
The theme of my music and art is metaphysical.
I sing and paint universes and a world that exists between imaginary and real.
【Imagination power】
◉What do you mean by in between imaginary and real?
I believe that there is a world different from reality.
I want to give the spiritual world aural and visual form through expressive music and paintings.
◉What is the spiritual world?
We cannot see everything.
What you see is not everything there is.
That is why I want you to feel something from my artwork.
I uncover and see the unseeable from the spiritual world, and I project it onto my artwork.
◉What’s your life’s theme?
There is a small flame that burns in everyone's heart.
◉What is it like?
Because it is a flame, it can be sometimes strong and sometimes weak.
But, we should never stop burning.
◉When does it become stronger?
It flares up when you do things that you like and start new challenges.
For example, I am obsessed with self-expression.
◉What is your ideal aim for this burning?
I always want to live my life without ever stopping to think, so that the flame of my own passion never disappears.
I will continue to create forever, and I will never stop imagining.
【Energetic particles】
◉What is the purpose of your artwork? Why do you make music and paintings?
These are my thoughts for those who are touched by my artwork.
I hope that they will be able to bring forth energetic particles of new and fresh thinking and emotions, which are like fireflies or bubbles.
◉What are energetic particles?
Energetic particles are motes, and like very tiny pieces of matter or light.
◉Can we see them?
They are invisible to the naked eye.
◉What kind of a world do you want to create?
I would like for lots of those thoughts floating around the world from many people to fill up the space around us and make it just a bit more beautiful.